Egg Harbor Township - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网

Egg Harbor Township


Mayor: Laura Pfrommer

Township Administrator: Donna L. Markulic | (P) 609.926.4027 (E) [email protected]

Egg Harbor Township is the heart of Atlantic County! 小镇在Absecon的后海湾社区之间分层, Somers Point, Pleasantville, Linwood and Northfield, and the island communities of Atlantic City, Margate, Longport, Brigantine and Ventnor. 在过去的150年里,后湾和岛屿城镇从蛋港镇分离出来.  因此,进入后湾和海岛城镇往往要经过蛋港镇.

部分原因是蛋港镇的地理气息和市政当局的历史分离, 该镇有几个经济活动中心,但没有主导的城市中心. Instead, 蛋港镇有许多建立良好的非法人社区, including Bargaintown, Cardiff, English Creek, Farmington, McKee City, Scullville, Steelmanville, and West Atlantic City.

由于蛋港镇与后湾和岛屿社区的紧密联系和关系, the Township has grown and continues to grow in population, labor force and employment. 乡镇人口从2020年人口普查为47,842人,比2010年增长10%. From a population perspective, 蛋港镇拥有全县18%的人口,为全县的企业和政府提供了17%的劳动力和雇员. 蛋港镇是大西洋县人口最多的城市, labor force and employees who live in the municipality.

Redevelopment Areas
Provide Zoning Flexibility and Tax Abatements 

蛋港镇位于指定需要振兴和重建的地区,提供了许多发展机会. 开发商应该与乡镇管理者联系,以确定提供什么来激励开发.

  • 卡迪夫再开发区-位于40/322号公路穿过花园州公园大道的西侧. See below.

Girl in a jacket

  • 西大西洋城重建区-位于Pleasantville和大西洋城之间,沿着40/322号公路. See more here >>
  • 马盖特堤道重建项目-位于诺斯菲尔德和马盖特之间,沿着通往马盖特大桥的马盖特大道. See more here >>
  • 木材岭重建区-位于大西洋城高速公路和黑马高速公路40/322之间的云杉大道. See more here >>
  • 法明顿重建区-位于黑马派克6817号(40/322), between Oak Tree  Drive and Delancy Avenue. See more here >>

Location and Development Opportunities 

蛋港镇南部毗邻大蛋港河, Hamilton Township to the west, 加洛韦镇和阿布西肯北部和阿布西肯岛 & Atlantic City to the east. According to the United States Bureau of the Census, 全镇总面积75平方英里,其中89%为陆地,11%为水域, back bay and marsh. 该镇与东部五个后湾市接壤. 后湾社区将小镇与西大西洋城和长港-萨默斯角铜锣湾社区分开,后者又与岛屿社区接壤.

Atlantic City Airport

The Aviation Innovation Hub is located in Egg Harbor Township and includes the Atlantic City International Airport; the Federal Aviation Administration’s William J. 休斯技术中心(美国首屈一指的航空运输实验室和测试设施)和国家航空航天研威尼斯人官网与技术园位于机场和技术中心附近的58英亩的校园内.

航空创新中心位于一个机会区,包括大部分机场和联邦航空局,并穿过花园州公园大道延伸到Absecon和Pleasantville的寄宿处.  浏览更多有关航空创新中心投资机会的资料, 请致电609-335-2869与威尼斯人官网联系.

Industries and Businesses Located in Egg Harbor Township 

Within the Egg Harbor Township, 按就业规模衡量,最大的行业是零售业和医疗保健,约有3个,500 workers each. 最大的零售企业是大西洋克莱斯勒-普利茅斯-吉普-鹰公司., Ford Chapman Sales Inc., Bennett Chevrolet Inc., Raymour & Flannigan Furniture Company, Inc., Lowe’s Home Centers, LLC, Village Super Market, Inc., Spencer Spirit Holdings, Inc., Spencer Gifts LLC, Spencer Gifts (Canada) Inc.

The largest health care businesses are Atlanticare Behavioral Health, Inc., Atlanticare Health System Inc., Atlanticare Health System Inc., Atlanticare Physician Group P.A.,伤口愈合中心,大西洋地区医疗中心,公司., Atlanticare Health Plans, Inc.,家庭服务协会和南新泽西亲善工业 & Philadelphia, Inc.

相对于大西洋县整体而言,就业集中度显著提高的最大行业是建筑业,400 employees, manufacturing with 600 employees, transportation and warehousing with 550 employees, private education services with 270 employees, and information services with 200 employees.

The largest construction companies are Greenlife Energy Solutions, LLC., Delta Line Construction Co., J Palermo Masonry, Inc., Thomas Company, Inc. and Thomas Management Co., Inc. 最大的制造公司是Rsl LLC, Print Art Inc .., Ralph Clayton & Sons L.L.C., Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems, LLC., and A.S.T. Construction Inc.

The largest transportation companies are Midlantic Jet Aviation Inc., Robinson Aviation (rva), Inc., and Metron Aviation, Inc. 最大的私立教育公司是大西洋基督教学校. 最大的信息公司是互动咨询软件有限责任公司.


Explore Egg Harbor Township’s website here:


对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

Click here for details


For New Jersey Businesses | Various Loans and Incentives | Click here for details

Primary Contact

  • Name: Cherie Burgan
  • Title: Chairwoman, Economic Development Commission
  • Email: [email protected]

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.

Major Roads and Highways:

Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:

Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

How Can We Help You?

